Teen pregnancy is a big issue going on around the world today.A lot of people don't like to see teens pregnant and they have a lot of negitive things to say about them. But people shouldn't judge them because you never know what they are going through at home or if they got pressured to have sex.Also some teens are on birth control but since birth control is not 100% effective they still become pregnant and I was talking to my cousin friend and i asked her why did she have her first baby at a young age(15) and she said because her parents wasn't showing her any attention at home so she wanted to have her own baby and treat her baby the way she was never treated.So you cant judge a book by its cover because you is on the outside looking in you may never know what people are going through just because a person have a smile on their face don't mean that they are happy.
i agreee they are being judge when they dnt even know the teen moms side of the story. Ans wow your cousin had to go through alot!! and i mean their shouldnt be a reason to judge her. she wanted to show her baby whatshedidn't get, im guessing the love she didn't feel from them.
ReplyDeleteItotally agree on what you are saying because we can not jugde any body of thier life style they are living that is their life.We should just worry about the girls suceeding in life and making something out of themselves.